
代表挨拶 波多野都喜男

弊社は今年で創業45年を迎えました。これまで創業者の経営理念のもと、 お客様第一の心で、生産活動を行ってきました。 これもお客様をはじめとする多くの方々の支えにより、成し得たものと心より感謝申し上げます。

 弊社は長年にわたり、小型モーターやコネクタ関連等の金属プレス加工を中心とした部品パーツ づくりで技術を磨いてきました。 その中でも金型設計の難易度が高い絞り加工を中心に技術向上、品質向上に取り組んできました。今ではその成果が認められ絞り加工の岐阜精器と評価頂けるまでになりました。

 厳しい経営環境の中ではありますが、創業以来先人たちが培ってきたこれらの技術を改めて見直し、 お客様のお役に立てる、強いものづくり集団になれるよう日々努力を重ねていく決意で あります。 
It has become 45 years this year since the establishment of our company. Under the management philosophy made by Jiro Hatano, the founder; we have conducted our production activities with customer first policy in mind. Without all the support from many people including our customers, our success would not have been possible: we would like to express our sincere appreciation to those who have supported us. 

Over many years, we have refined our skills and technologies in making parts; centering on metal stamping manufacturing for such products like small motors and connectors. Among them, drawing compound which has especially high degree of difficulty on the mold designing, as the main work; we have been trying to improve our technological ability and quality. Now that our efforts have been recognized; we are grateful to be rated Gifu Seiki as a drawing expert. 

Although the recent management environment around us has been severe, we are committed to review our skills and technologies which our predecessors have cultivated since the establishment of our business; and we will continue to make our efforts each day so that we will become even a stronger group of professionals to be help of our customers.
We appreciate your having business with us and look forward to your continuous interest and support on our business and products.

金属加工の海外調達                 TECH-JOURNEY







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